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Personal Growth

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Hi there.

Welcome to my thought castle 🙂


I have been a thoughtful person since childhood. I remember occasions when I felt low and bewildered about something a friend or a family member had said to me and then sitting in a corner and analyzing what happened.

I used to spend my pocket money on books, apart from aloo patties, and spent evenings writing in my personal diary.

As I grew older, I became busier with studies and getting into an engineering college and surviving in an undergraduate Computer Science class of all boys. The conventional path of engineering and working in software and investment banking jobs kept me busy for about 10-12 years.

But towards the end of this long, arduous period, I decided that I wasn’t made for a corporate world. I wanted to spend more time in nature, meet people, write, travel, and design my own day rather than always adhering to external deadlines.

My choices of quitting a job to write and not getting married by average marriageable age in India got backlashed by my family. People around me thought I had lost my mind.

But I didn’t give up.

Building a career in writing didn’t seem easy, at first. In fact, it all felt crazy.

But I quit my job and decided that I would live my life my way and earn money with writing.

Why could I make such a bold, some might say crazy, decision?

Because I have been able to achieve what I want by working hard, always. A B.Tech. in Computer Science degree from IIT, the best engineering institute in India and a very competitive one, didn’t come easy. Climbing up from the ladder of an average job in a software company to a strategist profile in an all-men team in an investment bank wasn’t a cake walk. Leaving my small town in North India and getting acquainted with the fast-paced cities of Mumbai and Delhi wasn’t how I expected.

But I kept going on for I knew everything good comes with perseverance and dedication.

Over the years, I have made my place in the conventional world, have broken its boundaries to design my own life, and have braved through unreal challenges.

How could I do all this? By keeping one foot after another.

On My Canvas is a place where I share life-changing stories, some driven from my own experience and some from others’ experiences. I also read a lot of philosophy, psychology, (auto) biographies, books on emotional intelligence, self-improvement, habits, fiction, and more.

The personal growth stories and lessons that I write down here are an amalgamation of making my own path, breaking the boundaries in a conventional India, and are backed by tonnes of personal development books that I read.

If you want to bring a change in your life, you should give some of my articles on life inspiration and growth a chance. Please visit the respective link for the selected topic.

  • Personal Development – You are not who you think you are. You can change more than you can imagine.
  • Habits – Why are habits important, breaking bad habits and building good ones, letting the routine run our life in automated mode, and more.
  • Dating & Relationships – This section only has three articles so far – why is a life partner important and where to find one, and how can men and women approach each other. My idea behind starting this section was to encourage people to go out more often and ask each other out. Rather than swiping left on Tinder, meeting someone in real feels a more natural way of starting a relationship. I have to write a lot more in this section but the idea is to tell people that we all can find a partner and there are positive ways to go about it.

Thank you for reading so far. I hope you enjoy these ideas. I wish they help you not only solve your problems but encourage you to face your fears and think of your purpose.

A writer or a painter or any artist can appreciate nothing more than an honest recognition of his or her work. It keeps the artist going on the harder days.

So if you enjoy my musings, please leave a comment. It might just make my day ?

And even if you hate something, please leave a comment. I would increase the dosage of caffeine and work on the feedback ?

Thanks for visiting.


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For seven years, I've read and wrote day and night to keep On My Canvas - my sustenance and life's focal point - going. Everything here and my weekly newsletter "Looking Inwards" is free. No ads. No sponsorships. If you’ve had some good moments reading my posts or felt hopeful on a lonely day, please consider making a one-time or a consistent donation. I'll really appreciate it (You can cancel anytime).


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6 thoughts on “Personal Growth”

  1. I am a new self- development blogger. I just the way you express yourself.

    An inspiration for a new blogger like me. I am hooked.

    One of the best decisions to subscribe to your canvas.

    Thank you and best wishes.

  2. Your notes, quotes, and encouraging thoughts are inspiring. Just reading your articles have given me insights in various ways. Thank you.

  3. “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extra ordinary Destiny”.Motivated and encouraging article.
    With Best Wishes


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